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Monday, 5 September 2011

My Verdict & Yours

Hi Penguins!

This is a new part of the blog I call 'My Verdict & Yours'.

This is where I ask Penguins for their opinions and how they compare to mine.

This is a prototype so I hope it all goes well.

My Verdict & Yours

What's Happened?: Herbert has been trapped by EPF agents after the recent Snow Race. He is being controlled by the EPF whilst he's in hibernation.
My Verdict: I think Herbert will break out. I don't think he's really in hibernation. Herbert will try to ruin the Fair.
Your Verdict: Puffy1205 - I love the fair! It's my favourite time. Herbert's locked away - he can't mess it up!
Bucktooth25 - I'm an EPF agent. I helped lock him away. He won't mess up the fair. The Elite Penguin Force would stop him if he tried. I think the EPF are being a LITTLE bit crazy - locking Herbert away! It's kind of cruel... but somehow it isn't as well.
Comparison: It seems the Penguins are having different views to me. Well, we'll just have to wait until the Fair.

For CPN 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Sorry for not updating. I've been busy. This is quick. Sorry.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

System Defender Message In Newspaper!

Hi Penguins,

Secret Message In Club Penguin Times

Billybob has stated that the final level in System Defender shall be released some time in the next few days.

Now, if you check the latest CPT, you will find there's a SECRET MESSAGE!

Click 'Read more' for the 'Awesome Adventures Ahead' article, then roll over the words 'extreme peak face-off'.

Well, this looks like there will be ANOTHER Herbert level in System Defender. Note the words: 'Be resourceful. Be remarkable. Be ready.'.

Now perhaps this is linked to the previous CPT issue with Gary looking... nervous?... and hints in the background...?

New Checkered Flag Pin

There is a new Checkered Flag pin! Get down to the Cove.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Behind the Scenes, Pay Day and Snow Race Announced!

Hey Penguins!

Behind the Scenes at CP!

Club Penguin released a new video on YouTube showing what's happening behind the scenes at CP!

Click the video to play!

Something about 'Operation: Black Out'? Hmm, perhaps for the Snow Race (see below) or Halloween?

Pay Day

Tour Guides and EPF members - check your mailboxes because you have been paid.

Snow Race announced!

Gary the Gadget Guy has announced that there will be a big snow race in Club Penguin!

This has asked many questions along the lines of why G would throw an extreme sports party, so when an interviewer approached him, he seemed very nervous.

Here's a picture of the interview. Laughpenguin has circled some things that look fishy in the photo. Oh and I'm sorry, behind 'Nervous?' is another fishy clue, a crab. Klutsy, maybe?

Herbert...? Secrets...? Interviewers having bad hair...? :P

Scarier, no Spy Phone messages have come in for ages...

That aside, Penguins can now head on over to the Gift Shop to get snow-themed outfits.

Coming August 11, a snowboarding-themed Better Igloos catalogue!

New Beacon

We reported this story before:
Club Penguin CC
Shill 99 In Club Penguin
Club Penguin Extras
The Beacon has been updated! News in CP is spreading like wildfire about the beacon being changed.

Oh, and the Telescope has had a VERY, VERY minor paint job. Sorry for not spotting that...
We asked some Penguins what they thought of the changes.
Mekayla101: I couldn't care less.
Lil Straw45: I've noticed that the Migrator is leaving, Rockhopper's not leaving forever, though!
Ezzaduff: The bulb is different. The changes are good and stylish!
Batman12143: The telescope and platform (Has the platform changed? - Ed) changed. I like these changes and now the beacon looks more modern. That's why Disney updated it - to make it look newer.

Well, Disney good call... kind of. Most Penguins like the changes, some hate them (surprisingly, they wouldn't want an interview!), some Penguins "HATE DISNEY FOR THIS". Personally, I like them but the changes aren't important, are they?

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Island Adventure is HERE!

Arrr Penguins!

Island Adventure Party Has Begun!

That be right me scurvy Peng'ins! The Island Adventure Par'y (Ok, I'll stop the accent...) has begun!

Firstly, the thing about crabs. Turns out it was for a game at the Hidden Lake where you could win a Commanders Coat. And a Blue Crab costume.

As for the quest, someone has stolen Rockhopper's cream soda! (Wow, how dramactic... :P)

Start at the Pizza Parlor. A whole guide might be heading it's way to this blog.

There are some new Postcards! Three in fact. 'Let's Explore', 'Rockhopper' and 'Follow Me!' are the three new Postcards.

A new Stamp has been released. It's a 'Music Maestro' stamp. You have to solve a musical puzzle at a party. Easy enough...

There are catalogues for you to look at which feature island-themed accessories.

Rockhopper has landed, if you were wondering.

Club Penguin Teams Up With Canuck Place

CP are helping another charity (hooray)! This time it's with Canuck Place. Canuck Place help children with life-threatening illnesses.

They treated them with colouring pages, video games, a not yet released board game and more goodies!

Billybob (the legend!) is in the video for about 20 seconds.

Click the video above to play it!

Congrats Club Penguin Times!

Well done to Aunt Arctic for successfully publishing 300 issues of Club Penguin Times.

Beta Team Update

Member of the Beta Team?

You'll find some additions to the Beta Team like 'Yum Yum Yuck Yuck' and 'Follow Me!'.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Thanks Saraapril!

Hello Penguins!

Saraapril notices us!

Saraapril from noticed Club Penguin News 24/7!

Thanks so much for checking CPN 24/7 out! Saraapril is EPIC!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Island Adventure is coming!

Hey-hey Penguins!

New Island Adventure YouTube Video

Happy77 released a sneak peek video of the Island Adventure 2011 party yesterday.

Everything seems to have been redecorated with an island or pirate theme.

There are lots of crabs. Hmm... I wonder...? *COUGH* QUEST *COUGH*.

Rockhopper is making his way!

Well, it seems the Flare Flinger 3000 (still wondering about that thing... was that a good idea... *COUGH* HERBERT *COUGH*... wow bad cough I have today... :P) has worked it's magic!

Rockhopper's ship has indeed been spotted through a telescope at the Beacon. However, notice how there are a lot of crabs in the video above. Is Rockhopper on that ship? (Probably.)

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.