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Friday, 10 June 2011

Club Penguin Times Issue 295, Puffle Improvements and Confirmed Music Jam 2011 Dates

Hey there Penguins,

Club Penguin Times Issue 295

The new issue of the Club Penguin Times is here! What's in it this week?

The main article is about the new Music Jam furniture and what Penguins are planning in their music performances. One penguin is talking about a laser show (I'M-A FIRRIN' MAH LAZER! BLAAHHH!), another talking about... A CIRCLE OF FIRE?!... and another Penguin has expanded their igloo for a dance floor.
The second article is also about Music Jam. The construction. There will be a complete revamp with speakers, instruments and stages. You can already see boxes containing speakers and cans of paint lying around the island.
NEW PIN: Hidden until June 16. Where? Check our tracker!
In other news, the Everyday Phoning Facility which was destroyed by Herbert is nearly back to normal. Work is to be completed by next week.
UPCOMING EVENTS: (All happening NOW) Better Igloos catalogue is out, Music Jam (recurring theme, anyone?) construction and a new play at the Stage called Quest of the Bamboo Forest - expect to see me (Laughpenguin) there some time either performing the play, my stand-up or a new play I'm working on.
Also, with Music Jam (damn straight, a recurring theme) coming along nicely, the CPT decided to release new, updated profiles for the Penguin Band.
Creative and curious
Still gets butterflies before a performance
Plays the keyboard
Petey K:
Funny and smart
Likes pulling pranks on G Billy
Plays the accordion
Stompin' Bob:
Adventurous and cool
Spends his free time reading, and writing songs
Plays the electric bass
G Billy:
Loyal and dedicated to his fans
Never takes off his lucky bandana
Plays the drums.

Personally, my favourite is Petey K (funny and smart - me!!!)

Secrets this week is about Ninjas.

Puffle Improvement Update

Club Penguin have officially stated about new updates involving Puffles and the pet shop.

You can now poke, pet and tickle your Puffle.
New Puffle mats in the Pet Shop (look at the floor when you go in with a Puffle)
Puffle close-ups load faster.
Small interface improvements in Puffle close-ups.

Confirmed Music Jam Dates

Music Jam shall run from June 17 - 25.

Login screen changes - again!

Just as we were all liking the new login screen... it's back to the old one. I asked Club Penguin what happened. They said this:

Hi there, 

It's very "ice" to hear from you again! 

I too have noticed that our login screen changed back to the old one. How do you feel about this? Did you like the new login screen, or is this one much better? 

Our site is always going through so many changes that you really never know what you are going to get. Like when we changed the login screen it was kind of a surprise to everyone! 

Please let us know if you ever have any other questions or comments. We are always very happy to help. 


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For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin,

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