It's time for the second instalment in Club Penguin Mythbusters.
The Rainbow Puffle
The rumour: Penguins can buy Puffles on Club Penguin of different colours. However, many Penguins have claimed there is a rainbow-coloured Puffle called the (appropriately named) 'Rainbow Puffle'.
Testing: Laughpenguin was intrigued by this myth and popped along to the Pet Shop which is where you buy Puffles. He examines the Puffles in the 'Adopt a Puffle' section. He doesn't see a rainbow-coloured Puffle anywhere. Laughpenguin also examines the Puffle Catalogue. No sign of furniture for a 'Rainbow Puffle'.
Researching: After his trip to the Pet Shop, Laughpenguin wasn't convinced the Rainbow Puffle was real. However, he decided to look online for a Rainbow Puffle by typing it into Google Images and YouTube.
Here are three images Laughpenguin found of the 'Rainbow Puffle'.
Notice how they're all different? The videos on YouTube also show different ways to "get the Puffle". I would say the Rainbow Puffle might be real if there weren't so many image and "how to get" variations of the 'Puffle'.
Interview: Even though the myth is pretty much busted, we still like to interview Penguins and Club Penguin on their views.
First of all, an interview with the public.
Gatorgirl600: I like Puffles. I've heard of the Rainbow Puffle myth. I think it's fake.
Plum8796: I know some Club Penguin myths including the Rainbow Puffle one. I think it's half-real, half-fake. I think it's mood would be EVERY EMOTION!
Joony5: I own a red and a blue Puffle. I have never heard of any CP myths. Now I've been told the Rainbow Puffle rumour, I think it might be true. If it exists, I want one! It's a bit strange there hasn't been one in the Pet Shop.
Now an interview with a Club Penguin Support Team Member!
Hi Laughpenguin,
Thanks for waddling by to share your thoughts with us! It's always brrr-illiant to hear from you!
I understand that you're wondering about the mysterious rainbow puffle rumors. I haven't personally ever seen one. On the other flipper, that doesn't mean that they don't exist...
If you could discover the elusive rainbow puffle what sorts of colors do you think it would be? Would the rainbow colors be striped or swirled through their fur? What sort of personality would it have? Where would they be found?
We'd be really excited to hear your thoughts Laughpenguin! Be sure to write back to us again soon.
Stay icy,
Club Penguin Support
Overall: The one thing about this myth which really busts it is the fact there are so many pictures showing different 'Rainbow Puffle's. Some with vertical rainbow stripes, some with horizontal rainbow stripes... that really does prove it isn't real. Quite a few Penguins think the Puffle is real and CP have stated in their response, "We'd be really excited to hear your thoughts Laughpenguin!" That means that the Rainbow Puffle is currently just an idea at Club Penguin HQ.
Decision: BUSTED.
Stay tuned for more CPM (Club Penguin Mythbusters)!
For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.
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