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Monday, 5 September 2011

My Verdict & Yours

Hi Penguins!

This is a new part of the blog I call 'My Verdict & Yours'.

This is where I ask Penguins for their opinions and how they compare to mine.

This is a prototype so I hope it all goes well.

My Verdict & Yours

What's Happened?: Herbert has been trapped by EPF agents after the recent Snow Race. He is being controlled by the EPF whilst he's in hibernation.
My Verdict: I think Herbert will break out. I don't think he's really in hibernation. Herbert will try to ruin the Fair.
Your Verdict: Puffy1205 - I love the fair! It's my favourite time. Herbert's locked away - he can't mess it up!
Bucktooth25 - I'm an EPF agent. I helped lock him away. He won't mess up the fair. The Elite Penguin Force would stop him if he tried. I think the EPF are being a LITTLE bit crazy - locking Herbert away! It's kind of cruel... but somehow it isn't as well.
Comparison: It seems the Penguins are having different views to me. Well, we'll just have to wait until the Fair.

For CPN 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Sorry for not updating. I've been busy. This is quick. Sorry.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

System Defender Message In Newspaper!

Hi Penguins,

Secret Message In Club Penguin Times

Billybob has stated that the final level in System Defender shall be released some time in the next few days.

Now, if you check the latest CPT, you will find there's a SECRET MESSAGE!

Click 'Read more' for the 'Awesome Adventures Ahead' article, then roll over the words 'extreme peak face-off'.

Well, this looks like there will be ANOTHER Herbert level in System Defender. Note the words: 'Be resourceful. Be remarkable. Be ready.'.

Now perhaps this is linked to the previous CPT issue with Gary looking... nervous?... and hints in the background...?

New Checkered Flag Pin

There is a new Checkered Flag pin! Get down to the Cove.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Behind the Scenes, Pay Day and Snow Race Announced!

Hey Penguins!

Behind the Scenes at CP!

Club Penguin released a new video on YouTube showing what's happening behind the scenes at CP!

Click the video to play!

Something about 'Operation: Black Out'? Hmm, perhaps for the Snow Race (see below) or Halloween?

Pay Day

Tour Guides and EPF members - check your mailboxes because you have been paid.

Snow Race announced!

Gary the Gadget Guy has announced that there will be a big snow race in Club Penguin!

This has asked many questions along the lines of why G would throw an extreme sports party, so when an interviewer approached him, he seemed very nervous.

Here's a picture of the interview. Laughpenguin has circled some things that look fishy in the photo. Oh and I'm sorry, behind 'Nervous?' is another fishy clue, a crab. Klutsy, maybe?

Herbert...? Secrets...? Interviewers having bad hair...? :P

Scarier, no Spy Phone messages have come in for ages...

That aside, Penguins can now head on over to the Gift Shop to get snow-themed outfits.

Coming August 11, a snowboarding-themed Better Igloos catalogue!

New Beacon

We reported this story before:
Club Penguin CC
Shill 99 In Club Penguin
Club Penguin Extras
The Beacon has been updated! News in CP is spreading like wildfire about the beacon being changed.

Oh, and the Telescope has had a VERY, VERY minor paint job. Sorry for not spotting that...
We asked some Penguins what they thought of the changes.
Mekayla101: I couldn't care less.
Lil Straw45: I've noticed that the Migrator is leaving, Rockhopper's not leaving forever, though!
Ezzaduff: The bulb is different. The changes are good and stylish!
Batman12143: The telescope and platform (Has the platform changed? - Ed) changed. I like these changes and now the beacon looks more modern. That's why Disney updated it - to make it look newer.

Well, Disney good call... kind of. Most Penguins like the changes, some hate them (surprisingly, they wouldn't want an interview!), some Penguins "HATE DISNEY FOR THIS". Personally, I like them but the changes aren't important, are they?

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Island Adventure is HERE!

Arrr Penguins!

Island Adventure Party Has Begun!

That be right me scurvy Peng'ins! The Island Adventure Par'y (Ok, I'll stop the accent...) has begun!

Firstly, the thing about crabs. Turns out it was for a game at the Hidden Lake where you could win a Commanders Coat. And a Blue Crab costume.

As for the quest, someone has stolen Rockhopper's cream soda! (Wow, how dramactic... :P)

Start at the Pizza Parlor. A whole guide might be heading it's way to this blog.

There are some new Postcards! Three in fact. 'Let's Explore', 'Rockhopper' and 'Follow Me!' are the three new Postcards.

A new Stamp has been released. It's a 'Music Maestro' stamp. You have to solve a musical puzzle at a party. Easy enough...

There are catalogues for you to look at which feature island-themed accessories.

Rockhopper has landed, if you were wondering.

Club Penguin Teams Up With Canuck Place

CP are helping another charity (hooray)! This time it's with Canuck Place. Canuck Place help children with life-threatening illnesses.

They treated them with colouring pages, video games, a not yet released board game and more goodies!

Billybob (the legend!) is in the video for about 20 seconds.

Click the video above to play it!

Congrats Club Penguin Times!

Well done to Aunt Arctic for successfully publishing 300 issues of Club Penguin Times.

Beta Team Update

Member of the Beta Team?

You'll find some additions to the Beta Team like 'Yum Yum Yuck Yuck' and 'Follow Me!'.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Thanks Saraapril!

Hello Penguins!

Saraapril notices us!

Saraapril from noticed Club Penguin News 24/7!

Thanks so much for checking CPN 24/7 out! Saraapril is EPIC!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Island Adventure is coming!

Hey-hey Penguins!

New Island Adventure YouTube Video

Happy77 released a sneak peek video of the Island Adventure 2011 party yesterday.

Everything seems to have been redecorated with an island or pirate theme.

There are lots of crabs. Hmm... I wonder...? *COUGH* QUEST *COUGH*.

Rockhopper is making his way!

Well, it seems the Flare Flinger 3000 (still wondering about that thing... was that a good idea... *COUGH* HERBERT *COUGH*... wow bad cough I have today... :P) has worked it's magic!

Rockhopper's ship has indeed been spotted through a telescope at the Beacon. However, notice how there are a lot of crabs in the video above. Is Rockhopper on that ship? (Probably.)

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Island Adventure under construction!

Hello Penguins,

Firstly I apologize for not updating. There just hasn't been much on CP! Well, now there is!

Construction for Island Adventure

The construction for Island Adventure is well under way! You will see the making of the party at the Town, Beach, Cove and Plaza.

There seem to be a lot of trees involved. Perhaps a hint of a "foreign island lost in the woods" type party?

In particular, there is a 'Flare Flinger 3000' at the Beach. Wow. Flares? Yep, that's appropriate in a kid-friendly game... apparently to signal for Rockhopper. (Don't you think he needs a BREAK?! :P)

Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades catalogues out

The new July 2011 editions of Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades are out.

On the topic of igloos, there is new music for your igloos for the Island Adventure party.

New Gold Anchor Pin

There is a new pin called the Gold Anchor. You can get it at the Iceberg now!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Club Penguin confirms price rise in membership!

Hey Penguins,

Club Penguin has confirmed today that membership prices have risen. This is the first time CP membership costs have risen. Even back in 2005, membership prices were $5.95 (US $).

However, get a membership NOW. The prices will be changed on 13 July. The reason I say buy NOW is because if you have bought a membership before 13 July, the costs will stay the same (unless you cancel on or after 13 July and choose to renew on or after 13 July).

Here's a comparison:

Paying monthly:
OLD: $5.95
NEW: $7.95

Paying every 6 months:
OLD: $29.95
NEW: $39.95

Paying every 12 months (yearly):
OLD: $57.95
NEW: $59.95

These prices are ONLY for the USA and Canada. Everywhere else, the prices are the same. However, the message 'Prices subject to change' still appears beneath the prices for foreign (not USA or Canada) membership pages. For example, in the UK it is still £3.95.

Comment questions:

1. If you don't have a membership now, would you/your parents buy it now whilst it's still cheap?

2. If you don't have a membership, what option would you choose if you had to renew after 13 July?

3. Do you think CP will increase the prices for other places like UK, France etc.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Card-Jitsu Snow Tin Sneak Peek!

What up Penguins?

Card-Jitsu Snow Tin

That's right! We have Card-Jitsu Fire, Card-Jitsu Water... what's missing? Oh yeah! Card-Jitsu Snow!

Many Penguins have excitedly talked about Card-Jitsu Snow for some time and today, CP revealed a concept for the Card-Jitsu snow tin!

Notice the 'CONCEPT' watermark across the picture? That means it's subject to change! I think it may alter slightly. Card-Jitsu Snow tins will be able to buy in November and hopefully you will be able to play Card-Jitsu snow in November too.

Membership Prices To Change

On the topic of things which are subject to change. Take a look at the membership page.

Can you see what I've put a red ring around? It says 'Prices subject to change'. This means that prices for membership may go up or down soon. Probably up. It's not just here in the UK where it's £3.95. It says it for all currencies! Or maybe Disney knows something about the stock market (go ask your parents!)?

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Music Jam 2011 - Was the Extension wrong?

Hello Penguins,

I am sure you are all aware of Music Jam. The CP event which is happening right now.

However, here's a debate. Was the extension wrong? Music Jam was meant to end on June 25. CP moved it to July 5.

Penguins seem to be getting fed up. You don't see any more Penguins flooding the Dock (ba-doom tsh), attempting to get backstage to meet Penguin Band or Cadence. The Rooftop is no longer busy.

What are your views? I know it's gonna end on July 5 anyway but should it have ended on June 25?

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Club Penguin Mythbusters #2

Hey Penguins!

It's time for the second instalment in Club Penguin Mythbusters.

The Rainbow Puffle

The rumour: Penguins can buy Puffles on Club Penguin of different colours. However, many Penguins have claimed there is a rainbow-coloured Puffle called the (appropriately named) 'Rainbow Puffle'.
Testing: Laughpenguin was intrigued by this myth and popped along to the Pet Shop which is where you buy Puffles. He examines the Puffles in the 'Adopt a Puffle' section. He doesn't see a rainbow-coloured Puffle anywhere. Laughpenguin also examines the Puffle Catalogue. No sign of furniture for a 'Rainbow Puffle'.
Researching: After his trip to the Pet Shop, Laughpenguin wasn't convinced the Rainbow Puffle was real. However, he decided to look online for a Rainbow Puffle by typing it into Google Images and YouTube.
Here are three images Laughpenguin found of the 'Rainbow Puffle'.

Notice how they're all different? The videos on YouTube also show different ways to "get the Puffle". I would say the Rainbow Puffle might be real if there weren't so many image and "how to get" variations of the 'Puffle'.
Interview: Even though the myth is pretty much busted, we still like to interview Penguins and Club Penguin on their views.
First of all, an interview with the public.
Gatorgirl600: I like Puffles. I've heard of the Rainbow Puffle myth. I think it's fake.
Plum8796: I know some Club Penguin myths including the Rainbow Puffle one. I think it's half-real, half-fake. I think it's mood would be EVERY EMOTION!
Joony5: I own a red and a blue Puffle. I have never heard of any CP myths. Now I've been told the Rainbow Puffle rumour, I think it might be true. If it exists, I want one! It's a bit strange there hasn't been one in the Pet Shop.
Now an interview with a Club Penguin Support Team Member!

Hi Laughpenguin, 

Thanks for waddling by to share your thoughts with us! It's always brrr-illiant to hear from you! 

I understand that you're wondering about the mysterious rainbow puffle rumors. I haven't personally ever seen one. On the other flipper, that doesn't mean that they don't exist... 

If you could discover the elusive rainbow puffle what sorts of colors do you think it would be? Would the rainbow colors be striped or swirled through their fur? What sort of personality would it have? Where would they be found? 

We'd be really excited to hear your thoughts Laughpenguin! Be sure to write back to us again soon. 

Stay icy, 

Club Penguin Support

Overall: The one thing about this myth which really busts it is the fact there are so many pictures showing different 'Rainbow Puffle's. Some with vertical rainbow stripes, some with horizontal rainbow stripes... that really does prove it isn't real. Quite a few Penguins think the Puffle is real and CP have stated in their response, "We'd be really excited to hear your thoughts Laughpenguin!" That means that the Rainbow Puffle is currently just an idea at Club Penguin HQ.

Decision: BUSTED.

Stay tuned for more CPM (Club Penguin Mythbusters)!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Developer Update From Billybob

Hello Penguins!

Here is a developer update from Billybob.

Hello Penguins!

Here's an update on what we've been working on this week. We want to let you know a little bit about what we're doing here behind the scenes. 

Adventure Party this month - We're putting the finishing touches on this month's event... the Adventure Party! I won't say too much just yet, but I hear a certain pirate may be making an appearance...Clothing catalog and newspaper - We're doing some updates to our systems for the next few weeks, so the newspaper and this month's clothing catalog will be launching early next week instead of today. Don't worry, we'll let you know as soon as they're ready. 
Here's a sneak peek of the catalog:

CLICK THE CATALOGUE TO FLICK THROUGH IT! Sorry about it overlapping on to the sidebar... - Laughpenguin.

New free items - We're still sending out the two new items to everybody. It will take a few days for the new Red Hat or Blue Cloud background items to get to everyone's accounts.   Bugs squashed - We squashed a bunch of bugs last night, so you can play Card-Jitsu again. We also fixed a couple issues with DJ3K that were causing Flash Player to freeze. Thanks for letting us know about them and helping us make Club Penguin better for everyone!  New games - We've been working on a few new game prototypes. Thanks to those of you that beta tested Rollerscape and some of the other prototypes. You guys had some great feedback! We should have some new games up on the Beta Team site very soon.Let us know if you have any questions in the comments. We're here to help!  Until then... Waddle On!- Club Penguin Team

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Glitches and Changes

Yo Penguins!

Newspaper Glitch

Been wondering why I haven't done a Club Penguin Times (insert issue number)? Because the newspaper doesn't load. Click on the newspaper icon and a the loading bug appears. You can't even exit when you click the 'X'. You have to log off!

Card-Jitsu Glitch

When you play Card-Jitsu, there is a glitch! Your cards don't come up, there's no timer, NOTHING! Just you and your opponent in the waiting position.

It stays like this for the whole battle... until you eventually quit!

Club Penguin Fires Employees!

Just days after a major glitch caused a global shutdown of the Club Penguin website, the children's online community site is in the news again.
The Kelowna-based company has laid off an undisclosed number of employees.
"As part of our ongoing strategy to best position Disney Interactive Media Group for success in digital media, we continually evaluate and refine our business," company spokesperson Mariam Sughayer says in a brief e-mail statement.  
"As part of this process we are making targeted layoffs within the division." 
The decision didn't sit well with at least one employee of the company who moved to Kelowna for a job with the company.
"We came from Calgary a year ago and now we have no job.  Our daughter relocated here in grade 11, and now what to do for her graduating year?"
Club Penguin was started in Kelowna in 2005 and was purchased by Disney Online Studios in 2007 for $350 million.
Thanks to Castanet for that report.
This Is YOU!
Now on your player card there is an arrow pointing above your head. Charming.
And for my final trick, my wizard hat shall turn in to... a welcome hat?
If you couldn't tell by this pun heading, the wizard hat Penguins could receive at the Medieval Party 2011 has GONE! It has been replaced by the new 'welcome' hat. On that note, the new background for all penguins is different in the new intro. It's a snowy pine tree background, not a cloud background.
Gift Shop Curtains
When we go waddling towards the far back curtain in the Gift Shop, the curtain opens and we are shown the Gift Shop catalogue.
Create a Penguin Update
The whole 'Create a Penguin' process has been updated. Looks quite nice now! :D

Wow, what a time. Updates, glitches and changes. I need a lie-down.
For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Monday, 27 June 2011

New, new and new!

Hey Penguins!

New Map

Since CP launched, they have used the same, boring old map. Well not any more! CP have revealed a new map on Happy77's YouTube account!

Click the map to play the video.

What do you think of the new map? Leave a comment BELOW!

New Free Items

Old Club Penguin fans will remember the free beanie hat which was given out for years. Now it's gone. However, CP are bringing back a free items. Yes 'itemS'. Plural!!! They are a red & white baseball cap and a cloud background.

New Field Ops

After Herbert attacked the EPF (see previous posts), Field Ops has been suspended. Now it's back! A new Field Ops was released today.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 24 June 2011


Hey Penguins!

Club Penguin is back after they forgot to renew the domain! WOOP! Rumours of Music Jam being extended are true. It will end on July 4. I got 1 week free membership and 10,000 free coins as an apology for the domain being down!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Club Penguin is... gone? UPDATE

Hello Penguins,

Ok, it's been over 24 hours since CP's domain has expired.

But, Club Penguin have confirmed they have the domain back! YAY! They admitted it had expired and now they have renewed it.

Looking on the bright side of things. QUICK! Get one week free membership and 10,000 free coins! If you tell them, as a "sorry" gift, they give you 1 week free membership and 10,000 free coins! That means if you pay monthly for your membership (like me!) you will get $1.50 USD off your next payment!

I think this is kind of nice. Your thoughts? Comment below! Other Penguins on different chat sites have demanded BETTER gifts as a "sorry" gift. One person even wanted every Penguin to have 6 months free membership! Mate, seriously. They are being kind with one week free membership and 10,000 free coins. JUST BE GLAD YOU'RE GETTING SOMETHING!!!

As I have said, CP have got the domain back but they are trying to get the site back online worldwide.

There are also rumours that Music Jam 2011 will go on for a longer period because of the delay.

Expect another update when Club Penguin have released an official blog post on

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Club Penguin is... gone?

Hi Penguins,

Today, CP has experienced a few technical difficulties. No, it's not about Music Jam, it's not about costumes or anything. It's much more serious.

Club Penguin has... gone.

Type in and this comes up:

I know! WTF?!

Back to serious mode.

Club Penguin have informed us that they are working on the problem. Here's a statement from them.

Statement 1: This issue is affecting a number of Penguins and we’re working hard to get it fixed as soon as possible.  With the help of our technical team the Island should be back afloat in no time.
Statement 2: Unfortunately we have been experiencing some technical issues, but rest assured we have our technical team working hard to fix this.

OK, so CP are trying to fix this (apparently). This is Club Penguin and possibly Disney history.
In the Book Room, there is a journal in which CP keeps all of it's records. This event should be written in the next yearbook.

Bad: Someone may have bought the domain and put hate stuff on it.

Badder: Our Penguins may be deleted.

BADDEST!: CP may be gone forever. CP may have to rebuild from scratch. Club Penguin 2.0.

Whoever is in charge of renewing the domain should be fired.

You know, this reminds me of an iCarly episode.

Then again, is this a publicity stunt?

For Club Penguin (and what remains of it!) News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin, signing out (possibly forever).

Friday, 17 June 2011

Music Jam 2011 is HERE!

Rock on Penguins!

The June 2011 event, Music Jam is here in Club Penguin!

Penguin Band Will Make Frequent Appearances

It has been confirmed that every half hour, Penguin Band will turn up at the Iceberg and perform for 2 minutes, then leave, and then come back on again in another half hour.


There is a booth glitch which means you can't buy the merchandise, and also a glitch in the Town where there's a poster of some penguins dancing in the bottom-right, but when you click it, it comes up with the 'Knights Wanted' sign!

Revamped Rooms!

Most rooms have been revamped for a Music Jam style.

New pin!

A stereo pin has been hidden in the book room.

New Penguin Band stamps!

The stampbooks have been updated with new Penguin Band stamps to get!

That's all for now, more updates during the week.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Everything's coming and going... and coming... and going...

Hey Penguins,

It seems everything on Club Penguin is coming and going!

Snow Cone Beta Team is Back!

Members of the Beta Team will be happy that Snow Cone is back on the file list.

Medieval Pin Back At Dojo

Well, if you don't know the background story, it's that at the Medieval Party the pin hidden was a shield pin. It was hidden at the Dojo. Yet, it had been removed TWO WEEKS AFTER THE PARTY and now it's back on.

New Login Screen Back

The new beloved login screen is back. Yay!

Now on to non coming-and-going news:

EPF Room Fixed

The EPF which Herbert attacked about a week ago has now been fixed. You'd never know a polar bear and a crab destroyed it, would you?

G Apologizes for Hydra Problems

G the Gadget Guy has apologized for letting Herbert get hold of the Hydras and destroying the EPF. He states in a recent EPF message that he "should've been more careful with it [the hydra-bot]".

New Membership Page Look

The Membership page has a new look with a simple table comparing non-member Penguins to Penguins with a Membership.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Club Penguin Funny Pictures #1

Hey Penguins,

Here are some funny pictures:

Club Penguin's new educational addition wasn't receiving good feedback.

Don't you just hate it when your Puffles don't listen?

"Now son, don't touch that cactus..."

More funny pictures soon!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Club Penguin Times Issue 295, Puffle Improvements and Confirmed Music Jam 2011 Dates

Hey there Penguins,

Club Penguin Times Issue 295

The new issue of the Club Penguin Times is here! What's in it this week?

The main article is about the new Music Jam furniture and what Penguins are planning in their music performances. One penguin is talking about a laser show (I'M-A FIRRIN' MAH LAZER! BLAAHHH!), another talking about... A CIRCLE OF FIRE?!... and another Penguin has expanded their igloo for a dance floor.
The second article is also about Music Jam. The construction. There will be a complete revamp with speakers, instruments and stages. You can already see boxes containing speakers and cans of paint lying around the island.
NEW PIN: Hidden until June 16. Where? Check our tracker!
In other news, the Everyday Phoning Facility which was destroyed by Herbert is nearly back to normal. Work is to be completed by next week.
UPCOMING EVENTS: (All happening NOW) Better Igloos catalogue is out, Music Jam (recurring theme, anyone?) construction and a new play at the Stage called Quest of the Bamboo Forest - expect to see me (Laughpenguin) there some time either performing the play, my stand-up or a new play I'm working on.
Also, with Music Jam (damn straight, a recurring theme) coming along nicely, the CPT decided to release new, updated profiles for the Penguin Band.
Creative and curious
Still gets butterflies before a performance
Plays the keyboard
Petey K:
Funny and smart
Likes pulling pranks on G Billy
Plays the accordion
Stompin' Bob:
Adventurous and cool
Spends his free time reading, and writing songs
Plays the electric bass
G Billy:
Loyal and dedicated to his fans
Never takes off his lucky bandana
Plays the drums.

Personally, my favourite is Petey K (funny and smart - me!!!)

Secrets this week is about Ninjas.

Puffle Improvement Update

Club Penguin have officially stated about new updates involving Puffles and the pet shop.

You can now poke, pet and tickle your Puffle.
New Puffle mats in the Pet Shop (look at the floor when you go in with a Puffle)
Puffle close-ups load faster.
Small interface improvements in Puffle close-ups.

Confirmed Music Jam Dates

Music Jam shall run from June 17 - 25.

Login screen changes - again!

Just as we were all liking the new login screen... it's back to the old one. I asked Club Penguin what happened. They said this:

Hi there, 

It's very "ice" to hear from you again! 

I too have noticed that our login screen changed back to the old one. How do you feel about this? Did you like the new login screen, or is this one much better? 

Our site is always going through so many changes that you really never know what you are going to get. Like when we changed the login screen it was kind of a surprise to everyone! 

Please let us know if you ever have any other questions or comments. We are always very happy to help. 


Club Penguin Support
Your thoughts? Post a comment below!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin,

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Club Penguin's OFFICIAL Sneak Peek for June AND Herbert Defeated... again!

Hey there Penguins!

What's Happening In June Sneak Peek

Club Penguin have issued their official sneak peek for what's happening in June.

Mmm... guessing by those three pictures (left to right) there will be new clothing revealed nearer the time of Music Jam for the event. Then there will be new items at the Ninja Hideout. Then finally (took me a while - I saw the picture and thought 'Da f**k is that?'!) new Music Jam items. Oh, and that picture is a speaker. I thought it was a mailbox or a sewage pipe too...

Unofficial Teaser Sneak Peek for July!

This is the unofficial (my) sneak peek for July.

Club Penguin have revealed (check the 'Membership' page) that July's theme will be an Island Adventure! This has been done before (2010!). It may be like last year's but (like Medieval Party) have a quest of some kind... don't count on it though! Might just be a treasure hunt...

Herbert Has Been Defeated... once again...

Recall your minds back to May 31 when Herbert attacked the EPF. Well, yesterday, he gave up. He complained about the Hydra-bots being blown up a couple of thousand times. :P. G is glad Herbert & Protobot have been defeated. Director has not given agents a Field Ops this week, stating that we need a break. However, I think that since there's no Field Ops, Herbert will attack the island. Remember that message he sent:

"...first the EPF, then the rest of the island..."

So, CP are giving us a break because Herbert is cooking something up... probably, or they're just feeling nice. Or they care more about Music Jam construction.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Club Penguin Mythbusters #1

Howdy Penguins!

Today I will be presenting the first Club Penguin Mythbusters.

Tipping the iceberg

The rumour: The rumour about tipping the iceberg on Club Penguin is that if you get a large group of penguins to go to the Iceberg, dress up in pizza chef, miner etc costumes, dance and stand in a specific area, the iceberg will tip.
Testing: So, Laughpenguin went to the Iceberg and he found 38 Penguins attempting to tip the Iceberg. All wearing the miner's costume and standing at the top. After half an hour, no tip. He went on again, 23 penguins. They weren't wearing anything in particular. A couple had the pizza chef costume. One hour... (no joke) no tip. They all stood around the "rim" of the iceberg.
Researching: Laughpenguin looked online for a program to look at the aspects of the iceberg. He found one and the program showed him the drawings, sizes and shapes of the Iceberg. From what the program says, it is impossible to tip the Iceberg. Furthermore, many people have posted pictures and videos of tipping the iceberg on Google Images and YouTube. THESE ARE ALL FAKE. They are obvious edits. If there was just one, it might be believable but no, with so many pictures and videos showing tipping the Iceberg in different ways, which direction the tip happens and your "reward" for tipping it, they are obviously fake. Members of the EPF and (now deceased) PSA, may recognise this picture:

It's from 'PSA Mission 1: Case of the Missing Puffles'. You go to the Iceberg and discover some Penguins stranded. They claim part of the Iceberg fell away. Now, this doesn't proof any TIPPING, but does it prove any CRACKING??? No. Remember that these missions are essentially mini-games for the EPF/PSA. Think about it. Every time you play Puffle Rescue at the Mine, does a Puffle really go missing? No. Furthermore, if these missions were real, why is the Sports Shop still in them?! The Sports Shop was replaced in May 2010 after Herbert's popcorn explosion!

Check your postcards. Go on do it now. Can you see the postcard circled in the picture below?

That's a 'Tip the Berg' postcard. Most Club Penguin postcards are invitations for events. So this is basically a 'tip the iceberg party' invitation. Club Penguin must've added this as it has become a Penguin pastime. Also to possibly build up the question if tipping the 'berg is possible?

Interview: With the decision about tipping the iceberg almost done, we still wanted to interview some Penguins to ask them about tipping the Iceberg. But first, we asked a Club Penguin Tech Support Team Member.


Thanks for taking a moment from waddling to send us a message, it's fin-tastic to hear from curious feathered friends like yourself! 

Ever since the Iceberg appeared aside Club Penguin Island penguins have been trying to tip it. I have heard many a boastful penguin claiming to have succeeded in moving that great block of ice. Although no one can confirm whether the Iceberg has actually been tipped there are plenty of rumours flying around that it has been done. Some say that a crack has appeared in the ice proving that the Iceberg is on the verge of toppling over; scary! 

I have never seen it happen myself but I have taken part in plenty of Iceberg tipping parties and have had a lot of fun! The last one I went to everyone had to turn red for Rockhopper in the hope that the great captain himself would hear our call and lend a flipper! (One rumour even says that Rockhopper is the only penguin to have managed to tip the Iceberg). 

Why not join in the next tipping party you get invited to? Or you could even throw one yourself! Who knows, you may even make history by contributing to the first ever official tipping! 

Have an 'ice' day! 

Club Penguin Support.

Now on to asking Penguins their thoughts about tipping the iceberg:

Pingo2242: I think tipping the iceberg would be interesting but, no, it's not possible.
Pooky0101: Tipping the iceberg could be possible. I've tried tipping it once or twice with a few friends but if we got every penguin on the island to try and tip it, it might be possible.
Logan 625: I think the iceberg can be tipped. I'm going to now, but I can't do it by myself! I would need time. It's [the iceberg] cracking. I think Club Penguin likes people trying to tip the iceberg.
Hatmanpepper: I've been on CP for many years. You can't tip it, it's impossible. Same as always. It won't even crack.

Overall: Although many Penguins think it's possible to tip the Iceberg, we have discovered it's not. The program used to examine the iceberg states it's not possible to tip. Club Penguin have kept it a mystery but I think we know the truth. Just remember that wherever you go on Club Penguin, it's always a room. So the Iceberg is just a room decorated like an Iceberg. If it really was an Iceberg, how come Penguins can walk off it [the iceberg] and on to the "water" in the room?

Decision: BUSTED!

Stay here for more CP Mythbusters!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Club Penguin Times Issue 294 and a new login screen!

Hello penguins

Club Penguin Times Issue 294

Yep, a new issue of the Club Penguin Times is out!

The main story is that there are some Music Jam styles for penguins in the gift shop.

Also a section encouraging penguins to get involved in creating a band.


New items available in catalogue - NOW

Music Jam Construction - 10 May

New performance, titled Quest of the Bamboo Forest - 10 May

Also, a new pin has been hidden, available until 16 May.

In 'Secrets' is about Cart Surfer and tricks.

New login screen

In other news, Club Penguin has updated it's login screen. Personally, I think it looks better now. What are your thoughts? Leave a comment BELOW!

Oh, by the way, there are is still a glitch where occasionally it reverts back to the old login screen, don't worry about that though. CP'll fix it! :D


(June 3 - Present)


(Oh, and this was a 2010 Medieval Party login)

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

I'm back... Herbert has attacked... oh, and there's other new stuff too!

Hey Penguins!

Well, I'm back from Disneyland Paris! I had a great time if you're wondering.

Herbert Attacks EPF!

I logged on to Club Penguin, here's what happened:

-Clicks play now- 'OK'.
-Logs in- 'Mmm-hmmm'.

Herbert has attacked the EPF. It happened on May 31 (yesterday). Herbert made a hole in the wall (BRING ON THE WALL!) and remember the Hydras from the Medieval Party?

Yeah, Herbert has taken over them.

Use the same techniques used last time. Remember to change the quality to low quality to avoid lag.

Blue - Throw snowballs at cauldron when there is lava in it and the cauldron is over the blue.
Red - Throw snowballs directly at Red's head.
Yellow - Use the Medieval shield to reflect damage back on to Yellow.

This time, you will have to look at the floor to see where to move to avoid the Hydra attacks.

Once you've completed the challenge, you will get an EPF badge and a Hydra head.

Now, remember Herbert said he will attack the EPF then the rest of the island! So, he might attack during Music Jam. Then again, these are all my predictions. But, I have been right so far most of the time if I do say so myself...

New Stadium Design

On a cheerer note, the stadium has been designed to make a soccer (football for us Brits) pitch! There are plenty of "advertisements" around the outside saying: 'Adopt a Puffle', 'The Stage', 'Pizza' etc...

Snow and Sports NEW CATALOGUE

There is a new Snow and Sports catalogue out for this month, but it is called the May 2011 catalogue... we don't know why either.

Puffle Tubes in Pet Shop

Go to the Pet Shop and you will see some new tubes around the shop with some Puffles in them! It's a small but funny edition to the shop. The black 'emo' puffle is kinda funny when it walks around... still no emotion whatsoever...
Oh, and if you walk in with a Puffle, look at the floor. Walk in with Blue, the floor turns blue, walk in with Green, the floor turns green.

Gift Shop catalogue to be updated!

The gift shop catalogue remains as last months so QUICK! If there's something you want from the May clearance, NOW IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET IT!

Club Penguin News 24/7 - Keeping you updated, 24/7.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Club Penguin Times Issue 293

Greetings Penguins!

What's in this week's paper?

Well firstly some penguin has claimed that Purple Dragons are real... (noob) but it's really just a costume. Get yours at the Gift Shop before May 29!

Also, information about Music Jam which has a confirmed date of June 3.

On May 31, all sporty Penguins can will be happy with new sports jerseys available from May 31st.

Tour Guides, check your mailboxes for pay cheques (yes, I'm British, I write "checks" like "cheques", get over it!) on 1st June!

The next pin will be hidden on June 3 - 16 so get the current pins now until June 2.

Also a secret message from Herbert P Bear!

Greetings Extremely Pointless Fowl...
Prepare for a menace of medieval magnitude! First the EPF - then the island!
Signed - H.P.B & K.T.C

Now. If you read my previous post, you will read one of my predictions is that Herbert will destroy the Medieval Party scenery, which it looks like he is gonna do...

We should all be scared... sorta. Be prepared for vehicles to be knocked over, banners to be slashed and other scenery just... destroyed.

I predict it will happen in the Music Jam event.

I don't know what but I have a feeling it will involve a big medieval vehicle and destroying things...

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Field Ops 46 Instructions

Hello Penguins,

Field Ops 46 was released today! Go to the EPF to receive orders from Gary.

Then go outside the EPF and stand in the plants outside (try not to sneeze :P !) and check your Spy Phone

I can't give you any special code because it changes every time.

Here's a hint though. Put the pink square in all four columns. Where it's green, carry that over to the next column. Repeat for all other shapes until code is cracked!

IMPORTANT MEMO: I shall be away from 28 May - 31st May on holiday. 'Til then, you will just have to wait and I shall be updating. This does means I will miss the final day of the Medieval Party, but that doesn't matter much... unless Herbert strikes... on that note, he hasn't done anything yet... (see paragraph below). So yeah, when I'm back expect an update on 1st June. I'll TRY to update from my Amazon Kindle though!

Herbert P bear hasn't attacked the Medieval Party YET.

Gary sent us this message:

Hmm… We’re still not sure what Herbert is planning, and he hasn’t sent any other messages. Agents, be on full alert this week.

When you complete Field Ops 46 (I should've put this in the Field Ops paragraph, shouldn't I!), you will recieve this message from Herbert:

Hello Agent. Surprised to hear from me? It’s been a while since we’ve spoken face to face.
Wondering what I’m up to? I’m sure you are. But you’ll have to wait just a little longer.

My guesses are:
1. Herbert will invade HQ.
2. Herbert will strike during Music Jam (next month's event)
3. Herbert will tear down the Medieval Party scenery.
(By the way, those are in order of most likely (1) to least likely (3).)
What to do:
1. Enjoy the Medieval Party and DON'T WORRY ABOUT HERBERT!
2. Ignore Gary's message. Herbert probably won't strike this week.
3. Keep checking for messages on your Spy Phone and on the Club Penguin Blog.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Fun Fact #1 and What's Happening Next Month?

Hey guys,

I hope everyone is enjoying the Medieval Party! There isn't much news, but to keep the blog going and to show we're online, here's a fun fact!

The Club Penguin Moderators are

Moderators used to have a “M” badge on their playercard, but it was removed in 2006 because people would hack it when they were not a moderator.

Hope everyone's enjoying the party! In four days from now at 23:59:59 the Medieval Party will end. Enjoy it!

What's happening next month?: In June on Club Penguin, the big event will be a music event where Penguins will be encouraged to form a band during Music Jam.

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Quest Reviews!

Hello Penguins,

I have successfully completed all three quests. I have to say that one was more difficult then the others.

Quest 1 is probably easiest. Then Quest 2 then Quest 3. Quest 1 and 2 are fairly simple but the last part of Quest 3 is HARD!

To complete Quest 3, go onto a non-busy server (1 or 2 bars) and get to the final part. You will battle Hydras. Throw snowballs at the red one's head. Wear a shield to protect yourself against the yellow one and drop lava onto the blue one.

To stop lag in the last part of Quest 3, there will be some buttons on the side. Press the one at the top to change it to low quality.

Club Penguin have announced there are some glitches but they are working on them.

Dear Laughpenguin, 

Thanks for taking the time to write us. 

We appreciate you sending us your thoughts on this year's Medieval Party and the 3rd Ye Knight's Quest. As you have pointed out, there are a few glitches that we still need to work out. We are working as quickly as possible to fix the third Knight's Quest, the 'Knights Needed' posters and the party music. 

In the meantime, we hope you are enjoying the other Quests, the new items and the sweet decorations! Thanks for letting us know about these bugs, and please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. 

Best fishes, 

Club Penguin Support.

Don't forget to try the quests by going to the Cave. A good time to log on is around 6-8AM (GMT) because there is hardly anyone on.

What are your thoughts on the quests? Post a comment below!
For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Medieval Party is HERE!

Hello Penguins!

The big May 2011 event is here! It's the Medieval Party!

Places have been decorated. The Nightclub is the Knightclub and the Gift Shop & Ski Lounge has a brand new look! The Everyday Phoning Facility is just as everyday-ish as ever...

Nothing suspicious yet from Hebert P Bear... then again... 'yet' is a certain word used too much.

Go to the Lighthouse and there's a free wizard's hat!

There's a new play on at the Stage! Titled 'Underwater Adventure'.

Just accept it, everywhere you go will be medieval! If you do need to escape it, go to the Everyday Phoning Facility.

Most importantly, there is a new quest for knights, princesses, princes, jesters, dragons and everythingelses! More information on that in a later post. But here's the main quest portal:

I'll be a jester so look out for me! I'll be telling jokes throughout the land!

Keep it Club Penguin News 24/7 for all the news and gossip!

For Club Penguin News 24/7,
I'm Laughpenguin.